League of Woman Voters/ Berwyn

Started by Terri, May 16, 2006, 11:20:09 AM

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The first meeting of the LWV in Berwyn was held last night chaired by the OP/RF League President. Present were various Officers of the OPRF League. 

Discussed were various activities of the League in relation to Berwyn.  Of interest was the Observer Corps, members who attend and write a report on their observation.  The observers' write-up is published on the Leagues website and in their monthly bulletin.  This would be a great asset to the citizens given our lack of local reporting.  One member remarked the the Life newspaper may not cover the State of the City in its entirety and we are constantly let down by the reporting in the City.

Members from the OP/RF League are currently working on ways to educate election judges, poll watching training and recruitment of high school/college students for the Nov. elections. This is in conjunction with the Cook County Clerk's office.

We discussed the inability to involve Latinos in the political process.  Oak Park has a similar issue involving African-American citizens.

Given the strength of the OP/RF League, we will persue joining them as a Community Unit, this will follow the guidelines of the state League. 

Send me a p.m. if you would like more specific information. The website is www.lwvoprf.lwvil.org 

Our thanks to the Board of the OP/RF League of Woman Voters!  And special thanks to the residents that attended the meeting and gave us their input! 
