Winters in Berwyn During the 50's

Started by berwyn senator, December 11, 2016, 03:09:17 PM

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berwyn senator

The streets would be so bad cars had a tough time parking because of the mounds of ice in the center of the streets. Berwyn would put plows on the garbage trucks so many side streets especially in North Berwyn would never get plowed. Forget the alleys, cars would remain in the garages for days.Fathers would have to walk or take a bus to work. Same with kids, we could not wait to walk to school all the way from North Berwyn to Morton East High. Christmas was a very special time, we would walk to 22nd. street just to see all the decorated store windows.All the new items would be displayed,Art's toys,Hajak Sports,Sharke's Hobby Shop,G&F Sports,Balkin Music,Juran Music,plus many other stores. People were walking all down the street,Christmas music could be heard along with groups of adults singing.My parents were friends with most of the store owners so we would stop and warm up and visit. At end of the night we would stop in a restaurant  and have a snack and hot drink, then walk home.No traffic or crowed malls! I forgot to mention all the streets were brick under the snow and ice and not paved.

berwyn senator

Very seldom were schools closed during heavy snow storms infact we welcomed the snow and walking to school. On the way we would have snow ball fights with other kids,and would help push cars that were stuck.Then grab onto the rear bumpers for a quick ride,I'm sure the drivers were aware we were there and drove slow until we fell off.Walking into school we would be soaked from head to toe, we were uncomfortable for a few hours,repeating the same nonsense on the way home.There was no transportation for kids and no money for a bus, are only transportation was our legs.On days when the weather was good we had saved our pennies and would cut school on a Tuesday free day at the zoo, walking all the way there from North Berwyn. Our pennies would buy few pieces of candy, resting an a bench making sure we would be home the same time as if we were in school.

berwyn senator

How many can remember shoveling the spot in front of your home and putting chairs or other articles in the spot so you could have the parking all to their selves.Reason for shoveling the front was because the alleys were very bad.They were never plowed, people that did shovel their aprons putting the snow in the middle of the alley, to this they still do the same thing. Making the alleys impassable, so if you needed your car the front was the next best spot. This resulted in many arguments between neighbors, fist fights also occurred.To this day this is still done in Chicago,drive down some of the streets and you'l furniture in all the spots!

berwyn senator

I should proof read what I write,I am always in a hurry.


Don't worry about it! Your intent is wonderful. I love the thinking back about how great life was. Now,....well, day by day.